Skin ultrasound of red striae

Skin ultrasound is a valuable tool assessing  aesthetical dermatologic conditions as it provides objective  data on pathology and treatment evolution.

Red striae are comsequence of rapid growth in volume and «breaking» skin tissue, therefore, they are frequent in adolescence,  pregnancy and pathological states as Cushing Syndrome.

Red color in striae is consdered as a sign of on going process and a possibility of prevention of chronification ( white striae) is stil possible with skin care with several topical preparations  rich in E vitamin.

Red striae ultrasonographically are evident as depressed ill dermal hypoechoic areas without significative increase in doppler flow.

skin ultrasound of striae

 red stria transversal scan

Red striae, longitudinal scan20

red stria longitudinal scan


As above discussed treatment of strie is mainly preventive and  most interventions are not  solid scientifically based.

Skin ultrasound of striae may be an interesting assessment tool in the present and future treatment of this difficult to treat aesthetic skin alteration.




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